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  • Writer's pictureJess Rose

Top 5 Tips for Traveling on a Budget

Updated: Apr 15, 2018

When I took the leap and decided I was going to travel abroad I had to make sure I was doing it on a budget. Although finances were tight I was determined to live my dreams.

And so, here are some of my best tips for saving on the road.

1. Pack Light

Having a bag that is light enough to carry around will not only be good on your back but on your wallet. Carry-on luggage means you won’t have to deal with costly luggage fees or storage.

2. Do a Little Digging

Often times, you’ll find sites that offer tickets or services at a discount. I hardly ever book directly from a hotel site because a simple search can pull up cheaper deals on third party sites.

3. Keep Track

As tedious as it may seem- keep track of your money! This is the easiest way to spend mindlessly and go over budget. Use an app or input your transactions into a spreadsheet manually. Knowing when I overspend is a sign I need to cut back to save.

4. Be Mindful of Food

I've stayed in some great hostels and guest homes with kitchens. This meant, I could buy local food at the market and cook it myself some nights to save. Plus, I always made sure to keep snacks on hand. This kept me from over- spending on restaurants.

TIP: Try the street food! It can sometimes be tastier…and much cheaper that restaurants.

5. Avoid the Traps

Watch where the locals go- and follow. Avoiding heavy tourist areas because they typically have inflated prices for mediocre food. Prior to heading to your destination, it is also a good idea to read up ‘tourist scams’. That way, you know what to avoid and how to react if something doesn’t seem right.

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